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Bridal Club Magazine

What makes a marriage work

Yes, opposites do attract, however the marriages that work the best are with couples who have similar values, beliefs and interests. That's not to say you should marry a carbon copy of yourself - that would get boring and tedious very fast - (truly, how many of us want to marry ourselves?), but having a mate that we know will work toward the same goals and has the same values, will go a long way in keeping your marriage intact.

Having separate interests is also a big plus. While is wonderful to spend a lot of time together, it's the quality that counts, not the quantity. True, there are many couples who enjoy being together day and night - in fact; my own marriage is much like that. We love to be and do many things together; however we also have our own separate interests as well. Some time apart is good for the majority of couples. It gives you new and fresh outlooks on your lives, not to mention giving you both something to talk about that's apart from your daily lives and interests.

Of course, it goes without saying that communication is probably at the top of the list. Begin able to discuss dreams, goals and what's in your heart if very important, as well as having someone who will listen closely to what you say and having some empathy as to how your feel. That's not to say that your partner wants to hear constant complaints about one thing or another. Yes, we all need "a shoulder to cry on" occasionally, just don't make a habit of it.

Intimacy is also a very important part of keeping a marriage alive and happy. And intimacy doesn't mean just sex. Being close, holding hands, relaxing in each other's arms, speaking of your hopes and dreams of the future, helps to build a close relationship and trust of your partner.

And don't think sex has to become boring. Spice it up by greeting your mate wearing just a raincoat, or kidnap your partner and take them to a hotel overnight. Plan dates and dress sexy...find ways to add excitement to your love life. And remember, sex doesn't just start in the bedroom. Gazing at your lover across a crowded room with a "come hither" look or whispering in his or her ear of what you'd like to do later can go a long way in keeping the fire roaring in the bedroom.

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Rose Smith is the owner of Wedding Themes and More, a website designed to help you discover your perfect wedding theme. Find more great ideas, resources and articles on our Bride & Groom Tips page.

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