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Bridal Club Magazine

Wedding Gifts - Pointers On Gift Giving At Weddings

Someone you care about has invited you to share their wedding day with them - and you have no idea what to buy them or even how much to spend. We give you a few pointers to take into consideration before taking the plunge into your purse.

Check to see if they have a gift registry first and what store or online service they are listed with. Some registries work on a cash voucher system, so that the couple can spend the vouchers on the items they really need, such as large and costly household items or even their honeymoon. An advantage that registries have is that the couples receive gifts that are truly needed and they don't double up on anything. Some couples may already have household items and would like to receive cash. In some countries it is a traditional custom to receive cash.

How much money should we spend?
Your unique situation will depend on several factors, how close your relationship is with the Bride and Groom, the formality of the occasion and your budget. Gift giving can be simple, you just have to know where to draw the line. Are you low on cash, or attending a wedding you are sure is to be quite extravagant? Most couples tend to know the financial situation of their invites, so don't worry if you don't empty your bank account on a gift. If you are truly someone they want at their wedding, then they will simply be happy that you were able to share their special day.

How much money is appropriate?

This can be quite difficult as it varies on a wedding by wedding basis. For example, if the bride is a high school friend that you haven't seen in 8 years, and you aren't very close to the person to begin with, then $50 may be appropriate. However, you must also take into account where the wedding will take place. If the reception is in Auckland City you might consider giving a larger amount than if you were going to a wedding in a small town. Another thing to consider is how much you believe it costs the bride and groom to have you there. Many etiquette experts agree that you should give a gift that will cover your plate (and your guest's, if you bring one).

Meaningful is the key
If you are low on cash, and are somewhat creative, think of something that is special to you and the bride and groom. It doesn't have to be anything large, expensive or even bought. If you have known them for a long time try giving them something that is meaningful. This will make the cash gift seem almost insignificant.

At the end of the day you should give something you are comfortable giving. You should not feel embarrassed by your gift. Remember that your presence is a gift in itself.

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