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Bridal Club Magazine

What Can We Really Expect On Our Wedding Night?

As you start your new lives together, you wouldn't be alone in hoping that your wedding night will be your most romantic moment to date.

The fact is, a perfect wedding night belongs on the movie screen.  What may be your vision of the 'night you'll never forget', will not necessarily be the same for your spouse.

More often than not, the bride and groom are exhausted from pre-wedding build-up and late nights.  Combined with a healthy dose of alcohol, this will not lead to the right frame of mind for mutually satisfying lovemaking.

So take the pressure off yourselves.  Expect to be tired. Realistically discuss your expectations of your special night, before it happens.  It's moments such as this, which will keep you in tune with each other's needs and will ultimately lead to greater intimacy in your relationship.

Remember, if you don't plan on starting a family immediately, plan in advance for the birth control you'll use.

If you already have children, be sure that they are being taken care of elsewhere, so you can build some special memories without having to divide your attention.

Make an effort to wear something nice for each other, no matter how tired you are.  There will be plenty of time to wear that old nightshirt and bed socks later on.

Here are a few tips to help you both relax when the guests are gone.

  • Put the "do not disturb" sign on your door.
  • Arrange for a wake-up call if you need to catch a flight.
  • Order room service if you can, or have some 'pre-packed' goodies to indulge yourselves in.
  • Put on some music that you both like.
  • Burn some essential oils blended especially to relax and put you in the mood for romance.
  • Shower and change into comfortable clothes.   Maybe you could bathe together by candlelight, giving you time to sit back and appreciate each other - no pressure, no rush.
  • Share the high points of the wedding, laugh about the not-so-perfect moments and talk about the special memories you will reassure for a lifetime.
  • Give each other a small gift.
  • Relax each other with a massage.
  • Take your time.  If the sex isn't the greatest thing you ever experienced, don't stress. You've got a lifetime to perfect it.

Who says you have to consummate your union tonight?
Why not wait until tomorrow, and just enjoy your time together.

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