Bridal Club Magazine
Bible Verses for Your Wedding - Part 1
An important aspect of planning your wedding is selecting
Scriptures to be read in the ceremony. Many clergy encourage
couples to look through the Bible and choose some appropriate
verses. This provides an excellent way for the bride and groom to
personalize their service by choosing passages that have a special
meaning for them or speak to their particular situation. For many
couples this is both exciting and daunting. After all, the Bible is
a pretty big book! Where to begin? How to choose? Which to
Most members of the clergy will not object to more than one
reading during your ceremony. In fact, many will encourage you to
pick as many as 3 passages. As difficult as it might be for you to
believe, it can be hard to narrow it down. There are so many from
which to choose!
The following list is Part One of a two-part article and begins
with readings from the Old Testament, also known as the Hebrew
Bible. The list comes
as a result of years of working with wedding couples in Episcopal,
Lutheran, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, and Christian Science
churches and from my education at both the undergraduate and
graduate levels.
Direct quotes from the Bible are taken from the King James
Version, which is in the public domain. The interpretations or
paraphrases of these verses are strictly my own. However, they do
reflect mainstream thought and are non-denominational in
Part One - Old Testament and Apocrypha
Readings from the Old Testament, also called The Hebrew Bible,
are also most appropriate for Jewish weddings.
Genesis 1:27-28a, 31a God's good and gracious work in creating
man and woman for each other
Ruth 1:16 The devotion of Ruth to a new family
Song of Solomon 2:10-14, 16a The lover arrives in Spring to call
for his bride
Song of Solomon 8:6-7 A bride beseeches her lover to be
Isaiah 26:3-4 Trust in God
Isaiah 43:1-7 Our redemption by God, and God's presence and love
in our lives
Isaiah 55:10-13 God's word feeds and nurtures us
Isaiah 61:10-62:3 Our certain salvation and a new status
Psalm 19 A Psalm praising God as creator
Psalm 34:8 A Psalm of Thanksgiving. Vs. 8 is particularly nice for
weddings which include Holy Communion.
Psalm 98:1a, 4-6 A Psalm of praise
Psalm 100 A Psalm of praise
Psalm 119 The longest in the Bible, the entire Psalm is a
reflection on God's laws, with verses 1-16 reflecting on walking
always in God's way.
Psalm 127 A home built by God
Psalm 128 The blessings of lives led by God
Tobit 8:5-9 Tobias and Sarah praise God and acknowledge Him as the
creator who ordained marriage. Tobias prays for mercy and that God
allow him and
Sarah to grow old together. (This is the only verse from the
Part II of "Bible Verses for Your Wedding" will include
suggestions from the Gospels and New Testament with ideas on how to
choose appropriate
passages to make your wedding special.
About the Author
Deborah Spence holds a Master's Degree in Sacred Music and has
been involved with weddings for more than 20 years. As a church
music director, she's been actively associated with the ceremonial
side of weddings in a variety of settings.
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