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Bridal Club Magazine

Wedding Cheese-cakes - Try Something Deliciously Different

Wedding cheesecakes are becoming increasingly popular overseas. Make this yourself or find a willing participant to do it for you. This mouth-watering recipe is designed to be used in three tiers and note, the top tier is for eating, not saving. This is one that will guarantee it will be a recipe used long past your wedding day. Enjoy.

INGREDIENTS: 10 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, 5 cups sugar, 1/3 cup cornflour, 15 large eggs, 3/4 cup lemon juice freshly squeezed, 2 1/2 T vanilla, 1 1/4 t salt, 15 cups (3 qts. plus 3 cups) sour cream.

DIRECTIONS: Use 12 in., 10in, and 6 in. cake pans, each 3 in. deep, plus 3 large pans to serve as water baths. (The sides of the water bath pans must be 3 in. or under or baking will be slowed.) Grease the baking pans and line the bottoms with parchment or waxed paper.

To mix the batter - arrange oven racks as close to the centre of the oven as possible with at least 4 in. between them. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

In a mixing bowl, beat cream cheese and sugar, preferably with flat beater, until very smooth (about 3 minutes). Beat in the cornstarch. Beat in the eggs, 1 at a time, scraping down sides of the bowl until smooth. Add the lemon juice, vanilla and salt and beat until mixed. Beat in sour cream just until blended.

Pour the filling into the prepared pans. Set the pans into the larger pans. Fill larger pans with at least 1 in. hot water. Bake in preheated over for 50 minutes. Turn off the oven and allow the cakes to cool in oven without opening the door for 1 hour. Remove to racks and cool to room temperature (1 hour for the smaller layers, longer for the larger one). Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.

Recipe requires a mixer large enough to handle the batter in 2 batches. It can also be prepared in several batches in a food processor.

To unmold: Have ready, matching size cake circles. Attach to floating tier stand plates with icing.

Run a thin-blade metal spatula between pan and cake, making sure to press well against the sides of the pan. Place pan on heated burner for 10 to 20 seconds, moving it back and forth. Place prepared plate against pan and invert. Remove pan and parchment. If cake does not release, return to the hot burner for a few more seconds.

Refrigerate until ready to frost with White Cream Cheese Icing (recipe follows).

Store: Three days refrigerated before frosting or decorating: 24 hour refrigerated after decorating. Texture is changed by freezing.

Serve: Lightly chilled.

White Cream Cheese Icing

Ideal for frosting tiers and piping simple decorations.

INGREDIENTS: 24 ounces white melting chocolate, 4 (8 ounce) packages of softened cream cheese, 2 cups of softened unsalted butter, 1/4 cup lemon juice freshly squeezed.

DIRECTIONS: Melt white chocolate according to package directions. Allow the coating to cool slightly, stirring occasionally (don't let it set up).

In a mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese (preferably with a flat beater) until smooth and creamy. Gradually beat in the cooled coating until smoothly blended. Beat in the butter and lemon juice.

Store: 2 weeks refrigerated, 2 months frozen. Allow it to reduce to room temperature before rebeating otherwise icing may curdle.

Hints: Buttercream may separate slightly if room temperature is very warm. This can be corrected by setting the bowl in ice water and whisking mixture. The buttercream becomes spongy on standing. Rebeat to restore smooth creamy texture.

Use ice to chill your hands during piping to maintain firm texture.

To Decorate Your Wedding Cheesecake

Tools - piping tools to decorate edges or centre as you wish.

INGREDIENTS: 7 pints of medium size strawberries (extras may be served alongside) cleaned and dry a jar of strawberry glaze/ice-crea topping and smooth with White Cream Cheese Icing.

DIRECTIONS: Coat cake tops with a thin layer of strawberry glaze.
Cover tops with half and whole (in centre) strawberries.
Brush with strawberry glaze.
Pipe edge and centre with White Cream Icing as you desire.

This three-tiered wedding cheesecake serves 150 people. Note: Portions are smaller than regular wedding cake servings.

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