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Bridal Club Magazine

When you’ve got yourself in a ‘state’- Delegate!

Getting ready for the big day can be very stressful ... and busy! Often brides and those in the bridal party try to accomplish all that has to be done, by themselves. Kiwis are renowned for their 'D.I.Y.' attitudes, which have triumphed with things such as No. 8 wire and homemade pavlovas. However, weddings are a slightly different thing.

Firstly, there is an expectation that everything will go off without those proverbial 'hitches'; secondly most brides and grooms are planning that the wedding day will be a day to remember and finally, getting family and friends together is no easy feat at the best of times, so logistically things just have to be right!

As more and more couples come through the MindWorks clinic doors to make sure things are just right before the 'big day' a common theme that crops up is how helpful it is to have a friend or close family member, with whom you can communicate well, to help iron out some of the 'pre wedding wrinkles'. As mentioned, sometimes people are a little bit reticent at asking for help; however, you've heard it from the shrink - "GET OVER IT". Not many of us are superhuman, so don't be afraid of judgement by getting another person or people involved if it makes the wedding chores easier or more enjoyable!

There are so many payoffs and pluses when you get your gal pal or friend involved:

• Friends are often more objective and therefore less likely to make emotionally charged decisions.

Friends will not get upset by minor glitches and hitches, and can deal pragmatically with issues that arise.

• Friends are a great sounding board: they know you, but are removed enough to give an honest opinion.

• Friends can be relied upon to make time for rest and a little 'R and R'. The odd coffee or half day spa might be 'JUST' what the wedding planner ordered.

• You can buy yourself a little time by dealing with the more important issues and by letting your friend sweat the smaller stuff!

So all in all, there are many benefits for calling upon a carefully chosen 'other' to help out with some of those tasks that make weddings a little mundane, and often stressful!

The old adage 'a problem halved is a problem shared' comes quickly to mind, and is definitely an outcome of 'delegation'. In addition to the obvious support that this kind of strategy provides, this is a great way to bond or renew those bonds with a significant friend before you embark upon another new and unique journey in your life!

This article was kindly supplied by My Wedding New Zealand's Premier Wedding Magazine

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