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Bridal Club Magazine

Wedding Jewellery - Caring For Your Daimond Engagement Ring

We take it for granted those once he has put that sparkly diamond on our finger we can just leave it there. But there are certain simple steps to follow to keep your engagement ring looking as stunning as the day he first proposed.

  • When not wearing precious jewellery, keep it in an appropriate soft lined jewellery case.
  • Natural skin oils, lotions, perfume and hair spray can diminish the beauty of your diamond. Washing the dishes while wearing your diamond can cause it to dull or cloud over as soap builds up in its tiny crevices.

  • Use commercial jewellery cleaner or use a solution of cold water and household ammonia (equal parts) to soak in for ½ hour. Use a soft, old toothbrush and gently work between the prongs and underneath your diamond. Rinse in water and let dry on tissue paper.

  • Bring your diamond to a jeweller to make sure the settings are secure once every year or two (we do this once a year and he cleans it for us too!).

  • Have your diamond appraised by a qualified jeweller. Be sure to tell your jeweller that your appraisal is for insurance purposes (and not estate purposes). It should be appraised for retail replacement cost.

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