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Bridal Club Magazine

Eat Your Way to a Beautiful You

Do you want to get rid of those bags under your eyes? Would you like your skin to have a healthy, natural glow? Of course you do! Instead of spending money on expensive beauty products to help you look rested, brighter and more youthful, why not take a trip to your local supermarket? A wholesome diet filled with certain hydrating fruits, vegetables, essential fats whole grains and lean protein is a better way to get bright eyes, clear skin and stronger and shinier hair and nails.

Consider the following foods to help you look your best:

Fish: Fish contains essential fatty acids that are needed to maintain healthy skin. These fats will help to add shine to your complexion and replenish moisture in dry skin. Try including oily fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel and sardines into your diet.

Bright orange and dark green vegetables: Orange vegetables such as carrots, squash and sweet potatoes, and dark greens vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and kale are rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A is important for growth, development and maintenance of healthy skin and teeth. It also keeps the immune system functioning properly. Try having one orange or green vegetable with dinner each night to reap the benefits.

Fruit: Fruits contain antioxidants that help fight harmful molecules called free radicals in our body. Cell-damaging free radicals are by-products of many metabolic functions. To ward off cell damage, eat fruits rich in antioxidants such as berries, tomatoes, grapes, citrus fruits, kiwi, cantaloupe and melon.

Avocado: Avocados are used in numerous beauty treatments due to their attractive nutrient content. Vitamins A, C, E, iron, potassium, niacin and protein all contribute to avocado's use in the beauty world.

Flaxseed oil: Studies have shown that flaxseed oil supplies the body with essential fatty acids, amino acids and antioxidants to help repair nails, skin and hair. Try adding 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil to smoothies, as a topping on popcorn or use it as a hair treatment to restore shine and manageability.

Nuts: Nuts such as hazelnuts and almonds contain vitamin E, which helps to promote healthy skin tone. Try adding a handful of nuts to yogurt, cereals and baked goods.

Water: Water is essential to help keep your body hydrated. Try to drink eight glasses of water a day-your skin will thank you!

Other steps to take to achieve inner and outer beauty

Don't smoke.

Exercise at least three times per week, following your Truestar Exercise Plan.
Practice stress management techniques such as mediation, journaling and yoga
So skip the fancy makeup counters and march directly to your local grocery or health food store. Remember, health and beauty really does start from the inside out!

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