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Bridal Club Magazine

Reduce Wedding Stress

Tips to Deal With Your Wedding day Stress!

Every couple experiences wedding stress and these suggestions will help you deal with it more effectively.

  • Take a long bath by candlelight and soak stress away. Add 1-2 drops of essential oil for some well deserved aromatherapy.
  • Sit down and read or watch a movie. Take a break from wedding plans if you are feeling stressed out. A break will help you clear your mind and return to the task more focussed.
  • Turn on your radio and dance. Yes, your neighbours may think you're strange. Ignore them; it's a great stress reliever.
  • If you feel like yelling, yell at a pillow. Swear, yell and get your frustrations out! As an added bonus, nobody's feelings get hurt.
  • Do something romantic for your fiancé or something nice for someone else. This lifts your mood and makes you feel good about yourself.
  • Play games on the computer or search for humorous webpages.
  • Take a vacation or road-trip with your fiancé. Spend time together and remember the reason you're getting married. This also helps your relationship grow stronger.
  • Exercise, and it will help to relieve stress. The medical reason for this is that exercising releases endorphins. Another endorphin-releasing activity is sex.
  • Get outside and enjoy the outdoors. Whether you build a snowman, garden or have a barbeque, this will energize you.
  • Sleep. It sounds simple, but few of us get enough sleep. As a result, we end up feeling tired and listless. Sleep can help with your mood, energy and focus.
  • Don't get too upset over small things, your guests probably won't even notice!
  • Get all your suppliers' service agreements in writing, in the form of a standard contract. Spell out exactly what you want and don't want when you make the bookings. Don't wait until the wedding day to make major changes.
  • Learning to delegate is vital, especially the day of the wedding. Put someone else in charge of paying the vendors, moving the guest book from the ceremony to the reception site, double checking with the caterers, or any other small task. Read through your list and assign everything!
  • The week before the wedding call all your vendors and check the date, time and location with them to verify the correct details. Give a list of their phone number to someone in case they don't show up on the day.
  • Pack and bring along a bride's emergency kit which includes, extra panty hose, clear nail polish for runs, Kleenex, aspirin, spot remover, static cling spray, hemming tape, band-aids, a sewing kit with safety pins. For the groom's kit include: mouthwash, breath mints, razor, cologne and comb.
  • Fasten fake rings to the ring pillow, so they won't fall off. Have an adult carry the real ones. Also, don't give the pillow to the youngster until about two minutes before they start down the aisle.
  • Even if you are nervous and don't feel like it, eat something before the wedding. Have someone pick up a sandwich or veggie tray to share with the bridesmaids. You don't want to faint before all your friends and family!

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